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Designed for presenting and selling meat, cold meats and salami, dairy products and gastronomic specialties, DURBAN has a good display surface and is ideal for positioning in superettes and specialized stores.
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Manufacturer of Display Case for meat, cold meats and salami, dairy products and gastronomic specialties refrigerated and heated display cases, counter merchandisers, display and accessories for supermarket, restourants and convenient stores. Walk in Coolers, Walk in display coolers and Freezers. Ice machine Display Case for meat, cold meats and salami, dairy products and gastronomic specialties Display Case for meat, cold meats case, salami display , dairy products refrigerators, gastronomic coolers, freezers, specialties meat merchandiser, display cases, accessories, displays on ice, refrigerated, supermarkets, convenient stores, dairy, seafood, beverage, fresh meat, produce, bakery, frozen food, deli, heating cases, glass end merchandisers, walk in cooler, walk in , walk in coolers, in , display walk in coolers, ice machine, ice